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4) Selected series covers a vast array of data:
Choose from:
- IMF and Civil Society News - Provides civil society organizations with relevant, up-to-date information on new developments at the Fund
- Communiqués - Are typically issued on behalf of ministerial groups, such as the G-10, G-24, Development Committee, and others.
- Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER) - Quarterly aggregate data based on an IMF database that keeps end-of-period quarterly data of the currency composition of official foreign exchange reserves. The currencies identified are the U.S. dollar, Euro, Pound Sterling, Japanese yen, Swiss francs, and other currencies.
- Finance & Development - A quarterly magazine, F&D presents articles and book reviews on a wide variety of topics in international economics and finance, as well as economic development.
- Financing IMF Transactions - A report on the use of the Fund's available quota-based resources, both its holdings of official SDRs and creditor members' currencies, to finance the Fund's non-concessional lending and repayment operations.
- Financial Statements of the IMF - The statements for the IMF's General and SDR Departments and Administered Accounts (as at end-July, end-October, and end-January) are unaudited, condensed versions of the annual financial statements. The April 30 financial statements are the audited annual financial statements published in the IMF's Annual Report
- GFSR Market Update - This series has been initiated to cover global financial market developments. GFSR Market Update (formerly known as Financial Market Updates) is produced twice a year and timed to fall between the semi-annual publication of the Global Financial Stability Report.
- Global Financial Stability Report - A Semiannual Report by the International Capital Markets Department on Market Developments and Issues
- IMF Country Reports - This series includes Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes, Article IV Reports, Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Documents, Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs), Interim PRSPs, PRSP Progress and Status Reports, Joint Staff Assessments (JSAs), Offshore Financial Center Assessments, and Assessments of Compliance with the Basel Core Principles.
- IMF Financial Activities - Summary of financial assistance to member countries in support of their policy programs, available IMF resources, arrears, and key IMF rates. Includes current Stand-By, Extended, and Poverty Reduction and Growth (PRGF) Arrangements and Status of Commitments of HIPC Assistance.
- IMF Policy Papers
- IMF Seminars, Conferences and Economic Forums - These events are hosted by the IMF on a regular basis to promote more informed discussion on major issues confronting the organization and the international community more broadly
- IMF Working Papers
- IMF's Financial Resources and Liquidity Position - A summary of the IMF's financial resource and liquidity position expressed in SDRs, the IMF's unit of account.
- Regional Economic Outlook Reports - They discuss recent economic developments and prospects for countries in various regions. They also address economic policy developments that have affected economic performance in the regions and discuss key challenges faced by policymakers. The reports include data for countries in the regions.
- SDR Valuation - The SDR's value is determined using a basket of currencies. The basket is reviewed every five years to ensure that the currencies included in the basket are representative of those used in international transactions and that the weights assigned to the currencies reflect their relative importance in the world's trading and financial systems.
- World Economic Outlook Report (WEO) - A semiannual review of recent global developments, forecasts and risks, and current policy recommendations.